Workplace Pensions and Auto Enrolment Advice bespoke to you.
14 Sept, 20222 minsFor context, the Auto Enrolment regime was phased in from October 2012 and meant all employe...

For context, the Auto Enrolment regime was phased in from October 2012 and meant all employers must be registered with the Pensions Regulator. So, if you employ at least one staff member, Auto Enrolment duties will apply. We appreciate that this can be a challenge to manage. Therefore, our expert team of Workplace Pensions and Auto Enrolment advisors is on hand to simplify the complexities of this business requirement.
If you may already have a pension provider in place, we can, of course, administer this on your behalf. Alternatively, our experts at JS can assist you in choosing a pension provider if you haven't already sourced one. We can answer any queries and settle any qualms you have concerning workplace pensions and auto-enrolment. For example, our experts can determine which of your employees qualify for a pension to what percentage of earnings is payable into the chosen scheme.
What earnings are used to base the pensionable pay contributions?
You have a choice:
1. Qualifying or banded earnings
Earnings including salary, commission, overtime, SSP, etc. falling within the earnings band of £5,824 and £43,000.
2. Pensionable earnings
Which is basic pay, holiday pay, plus statutory benefits e.g. maternity pay, and can include bonus commission and various allowances.
3. Total earnings
All earnings from whatever source.
Our specialist partners leave no stone unturned and no questions unanswered. We're entirely on your side. So, if you require trusted Workplace Pensions and Auto Enrolment advice of the highest level, JS is here to help. Discover how by contacting one of our specialist advisors today.